Written By God’s Girl

I heart words

Celebration or grave clothes

I sensed the Lord showing me things about the clothing we put on....now when I say this, I don't mean literal clothing but our spiritual clothing. I saw that many of us have been through tough for...

Keeping it Fresh!

Fulfilling relationships contain the basic ingredients: Commitment Care Consideration Communication Love....lol.....thought I was going to do C's all the way. I have recently been challenged that my...

Being present

Being present

Being present feels hard, but it’s a skill I want to perfect – because the advantages far outweigh the cost.Family and friends feel valued, loved and respected.Living present blesses others.There’s...

Father speaks through the bizarre

Father speaks through the bizarre

God is speaking through the everyday. What is your hobby? Your interest? The place where you rest? Stop, take a moment, become aware of Him. Ask Him to show you what He is saying.

A hard but worthwhile investment

A hard but worthwhile investment

Being present feels hard, but it's a skill I want to perfect - because the advantages far outweigh the cost. Family and friends feel valued, loved and respected.Living present blesses others....

Fear or Freedom

Fear or Freedom

I love this image. It communicates so much. There was a time when my feelings controlled a LOT. When my body would send out signals - I'd believe them. Which welcomed worry, fear and anxiety. I...

Preacher or a son?

Preacher or a son?

(this happened in 2020 but still applies today) I recently watched the Apostello conference through Stairway Church in Victoria, Australia. (Highly recommend to check it out for yourself btw.)it was...

How to keep your peace, whatever comes…

How to keep your peace, whatever comes…

Where do I turn when my peace has gone into hiding? When all around feels overwhelming and I’m afraid….To Him dear One, to Him. Peace is available for us at any moment through HIm.

A Dream, a Wedding, and a God Revelation

I had a dream last night where my hubby Craig helped me marry a guy named Shaun…. Sounds weird? Not really. The name meaning of Shaun is, 'God is gracious' Aaah, now it's coming into clarity. So...