Bad things happen in life Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? Understanding Life’s Challenges from a Biblical Perspective Explore the reasons behind life’s challenges, discover God’s promises, and learn to find peace in the midst of suffering...
Have you ever had a list that felt endless? Where the tasks pile so high, that you can’t see the top? I can’t remember who said it to me, but it has returned to me many, many times over. As I sat at the kitchen bench journaling the list of things that were at the...
.Racing about the kitchen lounge room, madly cleaning between meetings and ticking off from my pages of to-do lists, I suddenly had the maternal urge to bake my children some muffins – the bananas were there – why not!10 minutes out, from my next meeting...
Have you ever had a WALL in front of you? It might not be a physical, double brick blockage – maybe it’s a place of frustration, a bone of contention, a theme, a season. Whatever it might be, I have recently been given some encouragement about walls, and I...
This week I planted 2 trees. I ordered these trees a month ago, and they finally arrived. As I shared with my precious sis-in-law about the trees and life – she said something so profound. “Well, that’s prophetic” You see, this week...
“I need you to baptize me, John.” “What? I can’t do that. What good is there in me, that I could baptize you, Jesus? You should be baptizing me.” “It is fitting that you do this thing,” Jesus gently responded. Matthew 3:15b...