Time to Triage

Time to Triage

Have you ever had a list that felt endless? Where the tasks pile so high, that you can’t see the top? I can’t remember who said it to me, but it has returned to me many, many times over. As I sat at the kitchen bench journaling the list of things that were at the...

A Burnt Muffin Kind of Day

.Racing about the kitchen lounge room, madly cleaning between meetings and ticking off from my pages of to-do lists, I suddenly had the maternal urge to bake my children some muffins – the bananas were there – why not!10 minutes out, from my next meeting...
Why Say Yes?

Why Say Yes?

“I need you to baptize me, John.” “What? I can’t do that. What good is there in me, that I could baptize you, Jesus? You should be baptizing me.” “It is fitting that you do this thing,” Jesus gently responded. Matthew 3:15b...