What would you like people to encounter as they entered your through your front door? What would you love for your home/family to be known by? I was recently kabammed by John 5:2a tpt – where it says: “Inside the city near the Sheep Gate, there is a pool...
Last Sunday, after a ripper worship time – we sat down ready to engage with the message. A snippet of an idea zipped in – “What is Home?” I began to respond in my journal. Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash Before I knew it, pages – and...
This week I planted 2 trees. I ordered these trees a month ago, and they finally arrived. As I shared with my precious sis-in-law about the trees and life – she said something so profound. “Well, that’s prophetic” You see, this week...
This week has been relentless…anyone else? Medical tests, coming out of our 5th lockdown, a weariness that is hard to put words to. Meh! or Blah! seems to just about cover it. Photo by Henrikke Due on Unsplash Last night was the final straw, as we...