
Recently I had two experiences that left me bewildered about the state of our world.

The first happened in our local library. The kids and I were in the picture book section where a large group of adults were hanging out. The leader was sharing a story with the group. As I turned around, I found the woman glaring at me intensely…I asked if she was ok. She responded by, beginning to tell me about the horrific incident. Before any words had left her lips, I knew something was coming that I didn’t want my kids to hear (thankyou Holy Spirit for the heads up) so I quickly ushered the kids elsewhere out of earshot. I then listened and endeavoured to encourage her.

The second incident happened in our local car park. I was sitting in our car, waiting for the kids (who were shopping.)  A large man approached a woman sitting in her little red car. He began bashing on her side window with his fist. He yelled abuses and accusations at the woman. I had my 7yr old in the car and didn’t want to leave him, but was concerned for the woman.  Unsure of what I could do, I began speaking in tongues over them. Soon after, the man stormed off having torn shreds off this poor woman. I spoke to the woman a minute or so later and made sure she was ok. She wasn’t phased by it, but appreciated that someone would check  in.

I have tossed these 2 experiences over in my heart for days now, wondering what the connection is.

Is this where our world is at now?

How are people so unaffected, angry or harsh when dealing with another human being?

How does God view all of this?

What does He want me to do about it? How am I to respond?

This is what God laid upon my heart.

  1. I am to get to know His heart.

If I know God and His heart, then when the things and people of this world don’t align with His heartbeat for them…..I actually see the discrepancy and know what and how to pray effectively.


  1. I am to desire to see the people in these situations with His eyes-see what He sees. Oh how I want to see what He sees.

As I learn to see with His view, then there is no threat.  There is no fear.

3. I am to speak with insight, hope and encouragement to the people, places and things that are not aligned with God’s way of viewing them.

The lady in the library with her crew, desired to be heard. She was a little girl, desperate for attention. Desperate for Daddy’s peace and unconditional love.

The man with such rage is full of fear. He is a young fella, who has emotions deep down, but knows only how to access anger…it is the culturally acceptable one. God has much for this one,  who He loves so dearly.

  4. I am to view others with the same value that God places upon them. 

As I learn to view others as God views and loves them, my response comes from a healthy, hope filled and loving place.  As I value another’s life and unique design, I am more willing to love them as Holy Spirit does.

I can speak Jesus life into dead areas and Holy Spirit’s insight into troubled places and people.

Philippians 1: 9-11

And this is my prayer; that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ – to the glory and praise of God.

Galatians 5:22

 The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

I am to bring God’s Spirit into the crazy and offensive places of this world.

It is what it all means….we are to be the light!