Written By God’s Girl

I heart words

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Bad things happen in life Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? Understanding Life's Challenges from a Biblical Perspective Explore the reasons behind life's challenges, discover God's promises,...

It’s Kind of a Big Deal – Good Friday

What's the big deal about Good Friday? I've wondered that myself at times. For those of us who follow Jesus, it's kind of a key moment of our faith. Today is the day that Jesus was crucified. An...

Haman is about to have a VERY bad day

Haman is about to have a VERY bad day

Before we get to Haman, let's take a quick peek at Mordecai. Mordecai had every reason to believe he was having a bad day. 1. The palace had taken his beloved 'daughter.' 2. His act of revealing a...

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To celebrate the release of a genuine heart-tugger, 'I Can't Believe They're Gone,' (a book of hope when walking through grief and loss)I've put together a collection of my favorite emotional,...

What is the name of your house?

What is the name of your house?

What would you like people to encounter as they entered your through your front door? What would you love for your home/family to be known by? I was recently kabammed by John 5:2a tpt - where it...

How are your Cogs and Innerworkings?

Don't know about you, but sometimes I have so much going on that I forget to share with my friends about things I need prayer for. I'll be really honest with you. I'm finding that in busy times,...

A ‘Heavenly Download’ Testimony

A ‘Heavenly Download’ Testimony

Last Sunday, after a ripper worship time - we sat down ready to engage with the message. A snippet of an idea zipped in - "What is Home?" I began to respond in my journal. Photo by Hannah Olinger on...

Sent off in Peace

I read this verse today, and it GRABBED my heart. “And after they had spent some time, they were sent off in PEACE by the brothers to those who had sent them.”Acts 15:33 ESV Photo by Sunguk Kim on...

God Doesn’t Have Favorites

I want to tell you a little story. It's a true story about a friend of mine. This kind, loving, and gracious friend helped me greatly in my book series in a number of ways. I had just finished...

Hummingbird Cafe

Going for a walk early morning walk with Craig to get his coffee and we stopped in at a little Italian place, Lavita Abela. The food smelled so delicious we decided to stop any order breaky. We sat...

What fruit would you be?

What fruit would you be?

Maybe like me, you’ve never thought about this… But here goes: Jesus talks about us being like branches that produce good fruit. (John 15) God is the gardener. Photo by Irena Carpaccio on Unsplash...

Time to Triage

Time to Triage

Have you ever had a list that felt endless? Where the tasks pile so high, that you can’t see the top? I can’t remember who said it to me, but it has returned to me many, many times over. As I sat at...

A Burnt Muffin Kind of Day

.Racing about the kitchen lounge room, madly cleaning between meetings and ticking off from my pages of to-do lists, I suddenly had the maternal urge to bake my children some muffins - the bananas...

Finalist Wins and Humbled Hearts

A little win to share with you today... In marketing a book, they encourage you to apply for awards. My book series, 'Be Held By Him - Finding God When Life Knocks You Off Your Feet,' had a couple...

Way Through The Wall!

Way Through The Wall!

Have you ever had a WALL in front of you? It might not be a physical, double brick blockage - maybe it's a place of frustration, a bone of contention, a theme, a season. Whatever it might be, I have...

2 New Trees and some blessings

2 New Trees and some blessings

This week I planted 2 trees.  I ordered these trees a month ago, and they finally arrived.  As I shared with my precious sis-in-law about the trees and life - she said something so...

What’s so good about Good Friday?

What’s so good about Good Friday?

It's Good Friday today here in Melbourne. And I got to thinking, what makes Good Friday....well...good?I mean, Jesus went through unimaginable agony and pain. He didn't do a thing wrong, and here he...