It struck me afresh this morning that God is my ULTIMATE REDEEMER….

I see in the natural many friends and family that are having one of “those” seasons.  Tough, Rough, Hard, Complicated…fill in the blank space for yourself. …….that was/is me as well.

With the benefit of hindsight, we can all see those times in our own lives. Looking back we can see God’s hand working within it.

The very fact that you are reading this means-you survived it. WELL DONE! 😉

As I journaled about it this morning,  I sensed God say,  “I’m a slingshot”.

You might find yourself in the slingshot, it can be a very scary place,  as the tension builds,  the rubber band is pulled further and further back.

You don’t know where you will end up. But the release is about to come.

I sat with this for a time and got some clarity from Him.

“Each hardship brought to, released or lived with in relationship to the Father, can propel you into a place of deeper, richer,  and purer sweet space with Him…….. Or You can stay exactly where you are and remain in the place of tension.

Do I believe that God is THE ULTIMATE REDEEMER?

For me it’s a resounding,   YES!!!!

Then whatever comes our way,  may our first port of call be to abide in Him,  then watch,  wait and listen for the next step.

Hold on to Dad, trust Him with the journey,  relinqish control of the destination and be free to feel the exhilaration of the wind in your hair as you fly within this humanly tough time.

At the end of this season,  He will bring something good from it, there is always purpose.  All we have to do is remember to remember how He has redeemed seasons of the past, to give us confidence to trust in the now.

Oh Father God, 

You know all that is going on. 

You know the beginning the middle and the end, 

Expand my ability to release freely to you the things that I hold tight, 

Surround  me with more of you and your presence, so that I don’t fear the unknowns, 

Thankyou for redeeming ALL things,  in your word, in your plan,  in our lives too.

Thankyou for showing me time and time again that you are the best place for me to trust. 

You are a miracle worker, supernatural God who cares for and loves me to bits.

I pray for you to increase and for fear to decrease, in my life. 

Show me how to walk in the practice of abiding-no place I’d rather be.  

Bless you heavenly Father,  Thankyou for dodgy seasons being exchanged in you-for opportunities to be propelled into better places with you.

I love your ways. 

God carry, bless and embrace the ones in difficult times. 

Show us all how to thrive within them-because with you-that is the norm! 

As we intercede for those in hardship, please show us how to release them fully, to your care and not be distracted by finding human answers for them. 

Thankyou for being a TRUE redeemer of ALL things.  Please bring every part of us into alignment with the truth of this. 

In Jesus powerful name. 

Amen.  Xxxxx