Have you ever had one of those seasons where the demands, tasks, non-negotiables pile up, it’s relentless. This past month has been like this for me. It has actually gotten quite ridiculous, the intensity of the barrage of attack that came along with it has been something I could’ve done without…..so I wondered whether others were feeling the same pressure in this season.

man couple people woman

Photo by Gratisography on Pexels.com

My quiet time had become a little stale, as my ability to flow from a place of rest with God has been challenged on a major scale. Amidst the end of financial year extras, family health challenges, financial, relational, emotional, spiritual pressures…..So I decided to spend an hour just exploring new worship music – hoping that my heavy heart would lift…and He brought this stunning song my way. Little did I know, it was to describe the season I was in and yet to experience in major ways.

black and white photo of clocks

Photo by Andrey Grushnikov on Pexels.com

Within 2 hours, I received emails, calls and texts about 3 major time pressured events that had been outstanding for months- but of course, they all came to a head in this most stressful of times. It felt like I might be on unfunniest home video, where pressure is applied and continues to be – until the person cracks under it.

It was at this point, I finally realised that I might be under some kind of attack or something. The barrage was too intense, too “random” to be accidental. The stories I could share are so ridiculous – they made me laugh out loud (eventually). One such example, I was contacted by a recovery insurance company who we are working on our behalf. Our claims handler had accidentally shared my details with the company they looking to recover finance from. The poor guy had to call me and explain his error, then apologise. I felt such compassion and awkwardness for the guy. I tried to put him at ease, as obviously he had been already felt the weight of his human error had done. (is this really where we are at people???) I told him to relax, that I couldn’t just as easily rung the company and given them my own details before I decided to go through insurance. He was blessed as a result and relieved. I suppose because I could have made a big deal about it and then taken them to court or something. Good grief Charlie Brown.

Anyway, I digress….

As I soaked in the music and lyric of the song – I read the words and felt awash with emotions. There was definitely something about the furnace experience.

Which led me to read the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, found in Daniel 3.

Here is what God has highlighted about walking through intense fire seasons……I hope they are of some encouragement to you, as they have been to me.

  1. These faithful men of God made the decision to stick with God – whatever might come.
  2. People in authority might look to control and intimidate, but their perceived power is miniscule compared to that of God’s!
  3. When the enemy comes at us, it will seem as if the fire is 7 times hotter in certain seasons – BUT our peace is found in the Lord and His presence keeps us covered in hot places.
  4. There might even be times where we are bound up and thrown into the fire – BUT the bindings are temporary and will eventually glorify God in His power.
  5. These attacks can come quickly and without warning – BUT we are not alone in any of it, none of these are a surprise to God.
  6. There might be carnage around you, innocent bystanders (family, friends, relationships) taken down by the very things that were sent to steal, kill and destroy – BUT the flames will not touch us!
  7. In the furnace, we have with us the One who keeps us safe and centred.
  8. When those who remain with God and trust Him in whatever comes – redemption is but a breath away.
  9. You will step out from under the attack and our bodies will be unharmed; not a hair on our heads will be singed; our clothes will not be scorched and no smell of fire will be on us. Effectively, we will find yourself untouched by what was all around you so intensely just moments before.
  10. God will esteem those who remain in Him. Truth WINS. Faith Overcomes. God has plans to shine from within this pressure cooker. Take heart.



Have a soak in this song, and I pray the truth of it lands deep within you…..and I.

Hillsong United – Another in the Fire https://www.bing.com/videos/search?view=detail&mid=AB6F8140B1875DF2F2B0AB6F8140B1875DF2F2B0&shtp=GetUrl&shid=62239d47-11f1-4728-86c6-4f53a9c005f6&shtk=QW5vdGhlciBJbiBUaGUgRmlyZSAoQWNvdXN0aWMpIC0gSGlsbHNvbmcgVU5JVEVE&shdk=QW5vdGhlciBJbiBUaGUgRmlyZSAoQWNvdXN0aWMpIGJ5IEhpbGxzb25nIFVOSVRFRCwgcmVjb3JkZWQgaW4gU3lkbmV5LCBBdXN0cmFsaWEgd2l0aCBXb3JzaGlwIFRvZ2V0aGVyLiBJbnN0YWdyYW06IGh0dHBzOi8vaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS9oaWxsc29uZ3VuaXRlZCBGYWNlYm9vazogaHR0cHM6Ly9mYWNlYm9vay5jb20vaGlsbHNvbmd1bml0ZWQgVHdpdHRlcjogaHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9oaWxsc29uZ3VuaXRlZCBXZWJzaXRlOiBodHRwczovL2hpbGxzb25ndW5pdGVkLmNvbSBWRVJTRSAxOiBUaGVyZeKAmXMgYSBncmFjZSB3aGVuIHRoZSBoZWFydCBpcyB1bmRlciBmaXJlIEFub3RoZXIgd2F5IC4uLg%3D%3D&shhk=FWiu%2F5PeLO1R2mJFbkChW9wwi12YiKtjqczwdjokY74%3D&form=VDSHOT&shth=OSH.r6Mw%252Fj2DjEKbgkboz0OwFw