Can I be vulnerable with you church?
I’ve never felt an atmosphere so strong or a time so key, highlighting my need to press into God like never before. I’ve been tossing around things in my heart and the words below reflect some of what Father and I have been talking about. They come from a place that acknowledges my need for more of Him, and a desire to make this day count!
- If church is a snapshot of Heaven on earth, how are we going?
- If love is the currency of heaven, am I reflecting or deflecting love in my life?
- If testimonies are a way of building faith and giving thanks to God for His actions, how am I celebrating these?
- If relationship is how I connect and grow with God, when did I connect last?
- If surrender is our willingness to give up what’s ours, in order to upgrade to His, what am I holding on to, that is holding me back from God’s best?
- If encouragement is the language that brings God’s lift in life, what tone do I release?
- If offerings of worship are what the Father’s ears are bathed in, what do I bring to Him ?
- If faith is my trust in God to do the impossible, what am I trusting Him for today?
- If prayer is communication with God, what is He saying today to me?
- If His word is the instruction manual for life, how am I travelling?
- If thankfulness is the thing that releases more, do I speak lack or with thanks?
- If God’s presence is the atmosphere of heaven, how am I making space to encounter more of Him?
- If our leaders are God’s chosen to lead our churches, how do I encourage them in their call?
- If our musicians help set the atmosphere of worship in the house, how am I encouraging them to help connect heaven to earth today?
- If we want to have a culture of honour, how am I honouring others?
- If our service team are the hands and feet of Jesus, how am I tending to them?
- If our kids ministry team are helping to raise our future generals, how am I helping to raise them up?
- If rest and sabbath are a part of how God refreshes me, is my calendar allowing space for this?
- If Kingdom culture is counter cultural, what does my life look like to the world?
- If Jesus loves His church, how am I stepping in, to loving it too?
- If Holy Spirit is like the air of God, what’s my breathing like?
- If Jesus noticed the one, do I?
- If the essence of heaven is deposited in this world through me, what kind of scent am I imparting?
I sensed God saying as I put my head upon the pillow tonight,
“I’m adjusting your sights a couple of degrees to the left or to the right. Aligning each one to my course, because it’s for their and others’ best.”