I can’t help but cry as I feel so much for the family that have lost many of its members.
What is our reaction supposed to be in these times?
I have felt so many of these since reading about it late last night.
I really should’ve known better than to be facebooking at night..but I did….and slept very little as a result.
I cannot imagine the depth of pain, the 2 young girls have woken to today.
A life without their Mum. I look at my own cherubs and long to have the gift of being around to watch them grow. It’s a gift to see these things, not an absolute.
I suppose what I am endeavouring to say in this strange way, is that this tragedy can either prompt us to wake up and value each moment we have with those we love…..or we can carry the troublesome thoughts and feelings of what has just happened.
There have been many incidents all around the world. It feels like it’s getting worse – I have heard many others comment as such.
Heavy tolls on life. Loss of homes, health and securities.
Our world seems to be in a time of shake up!
Do I perceive that this accident happened at God’s hand?
Do I believe that He showed mercy amidst it?
Absolutely. The fact that the 2 young girls were thrown from the ride, just moments before it flipped – is incredible.
There are no explanations why these things happen.
I have no answers about the why’s of life. I am steadily learning it is a fruitless question to ask. Better questions might be, what now? How can I help? or Where to from here?
I do have hope amidst it though.
Hope that our heavenly Father can redeem this story in ways that we can’t begin imagine ourselves.
In order to see the good despite the bad, it does require something of me.
God desires me to trust Him regardless of what I might see.
God desires that I release the kung fu grip I have upon my life, and all the elements of my life – Husband, children, family, relationships, home, job, money or any type of security outside of Himself.
It sounds a HUGE call, as I write that….but the truth of it is, as I choose to trust despite my world falling apart…..as I choose to relinquish my rights to everything that makes up my idea of a good life….
God steps in and helps me to move lightly and freely within it.
What humanly should make me feel powerless and out of control, actually brings a sense of order and relief to my soul – that can only be God!
I am slowly learning that the very things that I hold tight, often end up holding me tighter.
That can be for my and other’s good….. or not.
What can I learn from all of this? What now? How do I respond?
- Love the ones I am with.
2. Be willing to give it all up (it’s all His anyway)
3. Pray for the family and in particular the kid’s next moments and beyond.
4. Pray and release all of my burden regarding tough or traumatic things that happen around me.
5. Be open to releasing the very things that have held me in places of fear, control and powerlessness….and allowing a Holy exchange to occur.
- My grief for His peace.
- My worry for His presence.
- My fear for trust in one who fears not.
- My tears for His joy.
- My concern for those 2 young girls and their family – for placing them in God’s hands to tend to, where I simply cannot.
- My depth of upset on behalf of others for the understanding that it is my role to hand them over to God – not to carry their grief for them. I am to pray the opposite of all I feel on behalf of them all.
What a privilege to live here in this time.
What a comfort it is to see how God sees things, from within the trouble..that He knows the answers, the way forward and out.
Be at peace today my friend.
Lift up your voices and your arms to Him and release all of it.
Stand in awe of God and His ability to redeem even the direst of circumstances.
Thank Him for all He has done and will do in the lives of those who are going through a season of strife.
Then speak hope and encouragement to them – from a place of God’s heart for them.
Heavenly Father,
Humanly I struggle with the upset and trauma of the events of yesterday. I can’t comprehend what is was like for anyone going through it, witnessing it or those who have to deal with the medical, physical or legal elements.
I place the children securely in the palm of your big hand Father. I pray you would hold them tightly but gently Lord. That you would speak peace over their hearts and lift off trauma from them, in Jesus name.
I declare that their futures are in your hands, they are full of hope and fullness of life.
I pray that you would release them of anything the enemy would look to hold them back with.
I pray that they receive freedom from any guilt or ownership that they feel. I pray Father that you would speak your life over them and help their hearts to be able to accept your truth easily.
Precious Jesus, meet your girls in their dreams. Help them in time, to recover their childlike wonder and fearlessness in this world. I pray that although this is a life changing event, that they would not be crushed or overcome by this in the long term. I pray you would provide for them in ways that would add to their lives. I pray Father, that you would bring good from this situation in your beautiful redeeming nature’s way.
I pray Father that in time, you would erase any horror that they might have witnessed. I pray that they and their family would be drawn closer through this and not be fractured even further as a result. In Jesus name I release unity, forgiveness and a great outpouring of your love and comfort over them as a family.
Father, I speak regarding the pain that is felt right now, please strengthen the parts of them that don’t feel they can handle it, cover them entirely with the peace of your presence. Allow them to snuggle under your wings and be tended to. Help them all to be able to process it all in time, that there would be precious angels who come at the right time, bringing an ear, a word, a meal, some help or whatever they may need.
We command your heavenly angels to surround them, protect them, attend to them, please bring Father God’s words of comfort and pictures of solace to them.
Holy Spirit we need you and your healing ways, will you please be with them tangibly to comfort and support them. I trust you to tend to them and heal the parts that are ready to be healed. Let them not carry anything that is beyond them or your will for their lives.
Father, I pray that you will equip the Dad of the 3 kids. I pray that you would give him the grit that is required to walk through something like this and survive. I pray you would bless his hands and his heart. I pray that his hands would help guide his daughters forward and his heart would love them so deeply – that they know how much they are worth. Please guide him in all that he is and all that he does. Father God, teach him about yourself and tend to him each day, as he looks to cope with his own grief, as well as raise 3 children. Father make yourself known to him, so that he knows he is not alone in any of it.
I pray that you would keep everyone’s heart soft and pliable towards yourself.
Father I bring before you the visitors to the park and those who witnessed the event. I pray over their ears and eyes. I pray you would release them of bad dreams and haunting pictures and memories. I pray they would see others as you see them, and hear your voice alone. I pray you would draw them to your side, comfort and then heal the parts of them that have been impacted by this.
I bring before you the police, emergency service, medical and dreamworld staff. I place their heads, their hearts, their memories, their emotions..in fact every part of them before you Father. I humbly ask that you would lift of all trauma from them in Jesus name. I pray that they would know the value of a life because of this…and that they would live differently because of it – not just survive and be damaged, but live more fully as a result.
Thankyou so much for skilled people like this who long to help.
Father I pray you would work out your redeeming ways in amidst this. Thankyou for protecting the daughters, as they were thrown to safety. Thankyou for being there for them and for all of us at this time.
Father, please take any heaviness from me and show me how to intercede and live differently because of yesterday’s tragedy. I don’t want to take life for granted. Help me to love others in your ways.
Help me to keep short accounts with you, by forgiving, releasing bitterness, letting go of anger quickly – and picking up all of the aspects of your nature that help me to walk in freedom and in love. Your peace, your forgiveness, your grace, your love, your mercy, your kindness, your creativity, your gentleness and all else that is amazing about you.
Father, I rest in the peace of your presence now.
I thank you for my life.
Please help me to continue with the things that matter to you,
let go of the things that don’t reflect your heartbeat for my life,
and pick up more of what you want from me….intimacy, trust, obedience and rest together.
Bless each one at this time, precious Father.
We choose to trust you with this.
Amen. xxxxx