It’s been a hard, tiring season, but there is HOPE, there IS a way forward.

Come to me all you who are weary and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

The past couple of years has been intense. Looking around it’s as if life had pressed the pause button.

We’ve aged. Life has moved on. Celebrations, birthdays, weddings, and funerals have all passed us by. As I meet people that I haven’t seen for 2 years, I notice they have aged…have I as well? Like we’ve been cryogenically frozen.

There is a weariness so many around me have alluded to, which has caused me to begin asking God for answers to this.

Father, how do I move forward when my being feels so weary?

I wonder if you’ve felt it too?

  1. Points of difference seem to help energise-doing the things that refresh.
  2. Not allowing what was to continue governing how I move forward.
  3. Retreat as needed.
  4. Guard your heart from the things that don’t add value or life. Ask God for His help when this isn’t obvious.
  5. Process, express and release our disappointments and griefs to God.
  6. Keep emotional short accounts. (don’t let emotions build, but process them regularly)
  7. Lament past seasons – Be heard and held by God.
  8. Process and forgive where needed.
  9. Keep watch of what I am ingesting. Is it uplifting, wholesome, healthy and peaceful. Ask does this add life? Or steal it?
  10. When was the last time I went outside into the fresh air?
  11. Build or Create something good. Garden time, plant seeds, watch them grow, artworks, systems that help moving forward.
  12. Love others without an agenda.
  13. Ask God for fresh dreams and passions, to stir your heart in current season ideas.

Has God shared any strategies with you? Please share them in the comments section. Lets help one another press play and move forward with Him and in life.


Attune my eyes to see what you are communicating.

Connect and unblock my ears so that they might hear what You are saying.

Align my senses to Your messages of hope, life and health – at every turn.

I receive Your great peace today Lord.

We love you so.
