What’s the big deal about Good Friday?

I’ve wondered that myself at times.

For those of us who follow Jesus, it’s kind of a key moment of our faith.

Today is the day that Jesus was crucified. An innocent and perfect man, died.

One act of love that changed life for mankind once and for all.

We choose to remember this day every year, because:

God loved us enough to send His own Son, Jesus.

He died, as payment, for ALL of the things we have done, currently do, and will ever do in our lifetime.
Those things that bring us guilt, shame, fear and so much more….
And this stuff had created a wall between God and I.

But, as I feel sorry for what I’ve done, and offer it to Him – He freely, forgives me.

This forgiveness lightens my load and helps me to walk a higher, and better path.
A path that is for my, and others good.
A path that helps me be the best me, I can be.

This day, is the day that all of that weight upon our shoulders was rolled onto His-
and we became free.

So yeah, it’s kind of a big deal.

Without this day, we would all be so much more burdened, without any way to be free from that burden.

Without this day, we would still have to talk with God through a priest or spiritual leader.

Without this day there would still be a wall between God and I.

Without this day, we would all be as slaves, instead of beloved sons and daughters of God.

So yeah, today is kind of a big deal.

Because our relationship with God is restored as a result of what this day, put in motion.

Like a child, we get to approach the best and most loving Dad ever, sit upon His knee and share together.

Wholly safe.
Wholly loved.
Wholly forgiven.
Wholly accepted and embraced.

There’s a lot in this life that can make us question, where is the good?

Is there anyone who would love me, even with all my uncertainties, weaknesses and failings… unconditional love?

Is there anyone who understands the real me?

And the answer is YES!


This is just part of the benefit that came, as a result of this day.

And today, I am so very grateful for Jesus, and unashamedly thankful for His loving kindness, influence, forgiveness, redemption, and friendship in my life.

If you’d like some more Easter reads, here are a few precious blogs to check out.

Surgery for Easter by Steph Penny

On being surprised by Susan Barnes

Easter Synchroblog : On being surprised

A Gift Unnoticed by Tamika Spaulding

The Lord is There by Dienece Darling