As I hear myself speak, I sometimes hear a truth I don’t want to admit-that my fears, doubts, lack based thoughts are more real than my hopes, truth and future.
Rest assured…
Words are POWERFUL

This week I’ve been taking a words stocktake and asking God for His truth about them. As I go to speak something that isn’t a blessing or painted with His truth, I STOP….assess….
Is this a feeling? Or a truth?
Does this leave me and others better or worse off?
What word seeds am I planting?
What is Your truth about this God?

And more often than not, He has something really good for me instead.
A Holy exchange if you will…

Examples of possible exchanges…

I feel weak – I am robust
I feel unwell – I am healthy
I feel unsure – I am walking forward in confidence.
I feel scared – I am fearless.
My body is failing me-My body is strong and serves me well.

His exchanges always, always reflect His loving, good and kind nature. Reflecting the fruit of the Spirit.

Be encouraged by Him…. choose to embrace a heart transplant today and you’ll be better for it.
For out of the heart, the mouth speaks.

#wordsarepowerful #whatamisaying #speakup #heart #heartmatters #godlywisdom #fresh #exchange #godsupgrade #godwantsmoreforme #trustinghim
#luke #outoftheheart #mouth #mouthspeaks #faithupgrade #healthyhabits #notruledbyfeelings #feelings #truthoverfeelings