
Good morning precious ones,

There are many of you are going through a tough season and life is seeming so much heavier than ever before.

Take heart….

You are not alone.

Father God wants you to know that He is with you right now.

He desires to lift the blanket of darkness that has looked to overcome you on many occasion.

He has seen it all.

He has felt your pain and your upset.

He has been tending to you and your loved ones.

He has answers at the ready for the questions that you have.

I sensed that He wanted you to begin to ask BIG questions.

Nothing is too hard for Him. No question too ridiculous or crazy.

He delights in you and your ways of thinking. He loves how you process.

He loves how you wrestle with issues, then finally decide to toss it up to Him.

I know for myself, I am looking forward to the time, when I go to Him first rather than last.

Let’s decide today, that the circumstances that surround us will NOT overwhelm us. Each time they creep in, let’s STOP.

Let’s ask God what He thinks.

If we already know that they are lies and not God’s truth, lets tell those thoughts and ideas where they can go.

Let’s choose to make today one where we have chosen to love our spouse, kids, family, friends even more deeply than ever before.

As I choose to step outside of my own small world and release into another’s life – God’s generous and loving heart is displayed and experienced….I pray that as you do this, you’ll experience a strengthening from deep within, so much so – that you will know it’s God’s strength for you.

I love how He works.

I love His God poetry in life.

As I choose to release the current place to Him, things often look and feel less burdensome.

Even if nothing changes, something has changed – it’s the way God rolls.

Be blessed beloved ones of His, especially today.

Lift up your life to the one who holds you in the palm of His hand – there is no better place to be and remain


