Reading 1 Chronicles 14 this morning and it HIT me!
The names of the children born to David. Shammau, Shobab, Nathan, Solomon, Ibhar, Elishua, Elpelet, Nogah, Nepheg, Japia, Elishama, Beeliada and Eliphelet.
These were living breathing people.
They had lives. The were born into families, schooled, ate meals, fought wars, lead countries. Some of their names are familiar, others I’ve not read before. Did they get teased? Were they satisfied in life? Did they have happy relationships? What marked their life?
I don’t know.
But as I read this, I was reminded of a newspaper article I’d read just moments before. Where an Olympic athlete who had been the height of her career in 2014, had struggled with meaning, purpose, she had piqued at 24.
We had all known her name, for a moment, and now only 7 years on and she was a distant memory of someone that had once done something. She struggled with her identity as Olympic swimmer, winner in life – now who was she? If she wasn’t who she once was?
I felt Him whisper, “I remember your name.”
Oh Lord, you remember David’s children, you remember Stephanie Rice, and you remember me.
(Be blessed by this reflective piece written with Him in response.)
God, You remember my name!
When we are but dust and are remembered no more, God, yes, You God, remember my name.
You remember the moment of my birth.
My first step.
My first tear.
Not a second is forgotten.
When the earth has forgotten my successes, accomplishments, failures and successes – when all is history – You dear Lord, remember me.
All is remembered as You breathed life into me…the hope, the anticipation of all this life would achieve and invest……
…and then when my last was had – You draw me up to spend eternity with You;
the One who knows me, saw me all along, and calls me by name.
To spend forever with the You the One who all along remembered me by name, loved and valued me the most.
The idea of leaving a legacy, of impacting this world for the better has always been a heart desire of mine, but would I be remembered beyond a generation or two?
Maybe, maybe not. But all of that seems irrelevant at this moment, because we have today.
Will you be remembered?
Maybe, maybe not. But you have today.
We have today.
We have this moment right now.
We can choose to leave the future up to the one who DOES and WILL remember us from the beginning. And dance into this moment right now, whatever it brings.
Thankyou for seeing me.
Thankyou for treasuring my heart.
For calling me by name.
Others might not know who I am, but You do.
Others might never know the richness of all my life has meant, but You do.
Let me live each and every day purposefully, hand in hand with You.
There is not better place to abide;
no more secure hand to hold;
no greater satisfaction than walking through life with the One who will remember me.
Help me to never take this moment, right now, for granted.
Thankyou for remembering David’s children’s names. Thankyou for remembering their lives, their story, their personalities and heart desires. Thankyou for remembering me in the same way.
Precious reader,
You matter.
Your life matters.
You are seen, called and remembered.
Your life will mean for something and today, you get to choose what.
God bless you with a long life filled with good world changing investments, satisfying connections and deep, abiding relationship with the one who knows, loves you best.
Have a wonderful day ahead precious one, in Jesus name.