Before we get to Haman, let’s take a quick peek at Mordecai.
Mordecai had every reason to believe he was having a bad day.
1. The palace had taken his beloved ‘daughter.’
2. His act of revealing a plot to kill the King came to nothing.
3. There was one of the King’s advisors who had something against him.
4. And that same advisor had just tricked the King into annihilating Mordecai and the entire Jewish race!
Yes, Mordecai had plenty of reasons to complain and believe that the bad days would never end.
But instead of griping about it, he trusted God at His word. He suggested they pray and trust. Mordecai entertained the possibility that God had placed Esther inside the palace for such a time as this! Mordecai had hope!
Haman, on the other hand, was living the dream!
1. He was the King’s right-hand man.
2. His family and friends celebrated all his success, and benefitted from it.
3. The Queen blessed and even singled him out for special feasts!
4. Yes, everything was going well – he had special clothes, rings, propoerty, and plenty of wealth.
But he had a thorn – and that thorn was Mordecai.
Mordecai didn’t honor him as others did, and this guy – well, Haman wanted him (and his entire race) GONE!
Brainwave: Build a gallows in his front yard, and get rid of the man who was a thorn in his side!
BUT… and it’s a huge but… Haman was about to have a very, bad day.
As the King couldn’t sleep, he realized that he had forgotten to honor Mordecai for rescuing him long ago..
Haman, (being his go-to guy) asked him what we should do for someone who has served the King so well.
Haman, (being the narcissistic type) thought the King was speaking about him – so he went to town with his recommendations.
Dress him up in the finest clothes, put a snazzy ring on his finger, ride him through the streets while declaring how awesome he is!
Great idea ! ? ! …… yes?
Only problem for Haman was that the King wasn’t talking about him – he was referring to Haman’s arch-enemy, Mordecai.
Not only does he now have to carry out all that he suggested, he is the one to lead Mordecai around the streets declaring his awesomeness! In front of family, friends and those who he had complained about Mordecai to.
What a pride killer that event was.
It didn’t finish there though – Haman went back home and began to whinge to his wife, family, and friends about what he had had to do. It had been a bad day for Haman at the palace, but things were not going to get better.
A knock at the door, and the King’s messenger is there to escort Haman to the second Queen’s luncheon, and he was due to be there soon.
Unbeknownst to Haman, his bad day was about to become a very bad day.
The mood was lifting, the closer he got to the Queen’s palace. Yes, he’d just had a humiliating experience, but the Queen thought he was important enough to invite. THe only other guest was the King!
The Queen welcomed them into the ornately decorated room. Lounges with luxurious cushions and a generous feast lay before . them. Haman had just begun to relax from the troubles of the week.
Aaaah….hows the serenity.
Reclining on the soft cushions, sharing a royal meal with the highest of the high in the Kingdom. Maybe this day wasn’t so bad?
Bu-bow! (insert failure button sound)
Queen Esther finally shares her BIG ask of the King –
….My King – please don’t kill us.
The penny drops. The awkward silence in the room. The bewildered King looks at Haman, demanding an explanation.
Why would Haman wish to kill the Queen and her people? (who is my wife? What have I done? ARGH….Haman!)
The King angrily departs the meal for a moment to catch his breath.
Haman realizing the pickle he was in, throws himself upon the Queen, begging for mercy.
The King re-enters, only to discover Haman seemingly making advances upon his Queen.
The King is FURIOUS! He HITS the roof.
Haman gulps, turning white as sheet, as the reality of his predicament lands.
Enter the helpful servant who suggests that there is a hangman’s noose in Haman’s front yard.
Haman’s bad day just got a whole lot worse.
Haman is taken. His wealth, family, and friends are annihilated. And the material wealth is given and added to Mordecai’s wealth.
Queen Esther, Mordecai, and the Jewish people are safe. Mordecaie is elevated into the Kings inner circle.
The royal couple go on to live happily ever after.
I LOVE the story of Esther.
But after this recent reading, I’ve come away with some fresh new insights. Who of you knows, that you can read something a million times over, and STILL get something from it!
1. Sometimes we feel like we are having a bad day, but it’s actually just a setup for blessing and advancement
2. Some days we are having a bad day, but we have peace because we trust God and His promise to protect and deliver us.
3. Some days we can look at others and think they have it all – and maybe they do – but God is the One who elevates, the One who gives and takes away. Run my own race, let God take care of the rest.
4. Sometimes, those who have come against us are about to have a very bad day. This doesn’t mean I celebrate their misfortune, but it gives reassurance that God is a righteous judge. Which means presure off me to judge others and their actions (fyi. I do not mean the ‘judge’ as in weighing up wether something is right or wrong…but judge as in the courtroom. Make judgement upon another.)
5. Some days the ‘bad’ times are actually part of a larger plan, and the chess pieces are just being put in place. Have Hope, God hasn’t changed and is not surprised by what is happening – take heart!
6. When things seem bleak, Mordecai and Queen Esther’s responses are a fabulous role model for us – trust, pray, fast together, seek God’s will, and then approach the King and ask for what we need.