I read this verse today, and it GRABBED my heart.

“And after they had spent some time, they were sent off in PEACE by the brothers to those who had sent them.”
Acts 15:33 ESV

in flight dove
Photo by Sunguk Kim on Unsplash

What jumped out was the line: they were sent off in peace! What did this mean? It got me thinking and journaling.

This theme of peace has been present at every turn this week! Amazing! Have you also encountered markers of peace?

A dear friend just returned from Israel; she shared how every Friday night (Shabbat) the father of the home would bless each of his children.

a close up of an open book on a bed
Photo by menachem weinreb on Unsplash

I was deeply moved by this idea and reflected on all those times when I gave my children anything but a blessing.

Monday morning had been particularly hectic – woke up late, lunches weren’t made, uniforms were missing, the charger couldn’t be found… and on and on it went. A fairly typical Monday – or Wednesday – or Friday. lol.

As our son hurried out of the car to catch the bus, I felt a gentle nudge from above and a reminder of what those fathers in Israel did for their children.

As he came around for a hug and to pray, I took his face in my hands and said,
“My son, I love you. I am proud of you.” (paused)
May God bless you,
and keep you,
make His face shine upon you,
and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26)

My teen son absorbed those words; his dimples shone as he grinned from ear to ear.

I observed his demeanor change and shift as he embraced the rest of his day. He was being sent off in peace.

man holding the back of his head while smiling near brick wall
Photo by Jeremy McKnight on Unsplash

This week, we watched The Chosen during our evening church service together. In the episode we watched, the phrase was used:
“Shalom, Shalom.”

One of the characters asked, ‘Why do you say it twice?”

The response was something like this:
Shalom means peace, so the first Shalom is a blessing of peace.
The second means not only peace, but perfect, whole, complete peace for you.
It’s a blessing.

person wearing gold bracelet and gold bracelet
Photo by Guillaume de Germain on Unsplash

Why am I sharing these three stories with you?

Because peace and blessing are MASSIVE concepts in God’s Kingdom. He ADORES us blessing others and spreading peace wherever we go and whoever we encounter. I don’t need to tell you that peace is a VITAL force in life – it can shape our journey remarkably, especially when it’s absent.

I am captivated by the idea that He has given me, and He has given you, access to perfect peace.

Even when we don’t feel it.

Even on the chaotic days.

Even in those moments when life is extraordinarily messy.

How are we sending off our loved ones?

What message are we imparting as they go?

Today, my precious friend, I want to leave you with a blessing of His perfect peace.

woman wearing red and black scarf
Photo by Harold Wijnholds on Unsplash

Beloved one,

May God bless you in every conceivable way today.

May each step you take be accompanied by perfect peace.

May your heart overflow with His provision of peace, spilling over to others.

May your family, loved ones, and children experience FULL blessings, in Jesus’ name.

Shalom, Shalom, dear friend