
My precious child, 

I am your refuge, your strong refuge at ALL times.

Your safe place, 

your sweet place of abide.


From the depths I lift you up, 

from your chains I release you fully……..fully free in Me.

For the times of weakness, 

I will pour My strength into you,

until you become My strength.

My strength is for you in this generation.


You bring with you to others, ALL that I am in perfect provision and poetry.


As you become more aware of praising Me within the hardness of your circumstance,

you will find the reason for your JOY!

Through praise, the dark things dissipate and My joy is fully revealed in you my child. 

For I am closer than your breath,

as I incline my ear, 

my heart,

my very self to you….and listen.

Ready to embrace you fully, 

drawing you to the very beat of my heart.

I delight in you!

I revel in your praise,

and look to reveal in you the MORE of Me that you seek. 


Father, help me to embrace every word of this promise of who you want to be for me. Thankyou for all that you encapsulate in life, there is nothing that I need – that you aren’t completely.  That is amazing to me!
