pexels-photo-1056104.jpegIt’s been a while,  but I know that this word is bigger than me,  so I’m imparting to you the heart of what God has been showing me everywhere!!!! It’s fresh,  it’s life-giving and has been a delight to me the second He began to unravel it before me.  I pray it has the same impact upon you.

It’s not that complicated,  so in Jesus powerful name I release this blessing over your life at this moment.

I sensed God wants us to revisit our foundations the words He impressed upon me were –

“Get Back To Basics”

He then went on to explain further…

“Foundational revelations of days gone by will speak into your day to days and make sense of them,

clarify them,


This is a time of Father showing us how to streamline.

So, what does this look like in your journey? If you were to streamline your life,  what would that look like?

This is my encouragement to you,  ask Father what His streamlining of your life,  looks like. Then ask for a strategy from Him.  I find it helps to ask for instructions step by step.

Here are some things to consider in no particular order:

Your calendar

Your marriage or relationships

Your parenting

Your friendships

Your work life

Your walk with Him

Your finance

Your emotions

Your home

Your peace levels

Whatever makes your Spirit respond, start there.

For me,  these past few weeks have been filled with lists and checking them off.(which has been sooooo satisfying!!!)

Prioritising my time in the morning with Father.

Going through our home and tossing things that we don’t need, want or don’t use.

It’s rejigging our finances to create simplicity over complication.

Being open to letting go of old things/systems in order to welcome in God’s pace for me.

I cannot tell you how satisfying it has been to get back to the things I am designed for,  and love to do!


The streamlining of life is a beautiful Godly principle.

2Cor 1:12 KJ  “For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, we have had our conversation in the world, and more abundantly to you-ward”

Psalm 18:19

“He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.”

One that feels like coming from a place of being closed in a box, to one of opening the lid and seeing the stunning open expanse of blue sky that was always above you. Aaagh…. the fresh air, the simplicity,  the opportunities, the clarity!!!

Be blessed precious one!

Be blessed with His stamp of approval on you,  His depth of acceptance of you, His ability to bring you answers where complications, disorder or chaos look to reign.

Get back to the things He has wired you for and release the things that have snuck in and cluttered your world.

In  Jesus name we release this fresh and redemptive and freeing word over you,  amen. Xxxxx